Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Hoping to fixup my oflate screwed up office hours.
Hoping to cut down on my travel time.
Hoping to have a smooth drive and not to run into
erratic bus and rick drivers.
Hoping to reach office fresh and start the week afresh.
Hoping to have a nice weekend ahead with all the deadlines
met during the weekdays.

I guess this is how Bangaloreans start their Monday mornings.
On Aug 21 I did the same and reached High grounds heading towards
Cubbon road. But Mr Abdul Kalam decides to visit Bangalore
and head out on the Bangalore roads on a Monday morning at
the peak traffic hour. I can understand if one of those
half wit politicians who dont give a damn about the ordinary
souls does it. As we have learnt to live with the fact that
the politicians are the present day brown skinned rulers.
But here is a man whom we want to respect and he disappointed
me. There was no announcement prior to his visit. When
I was stuck in traffic I could hear fm channels telling
people to avoid the same road I was stuck on.

I cant see why politicians lives are more precious than mine.
And I cant accept how they always have to travel at the wrong times.
I remember Mr Deve Gowdas visits to Blr when he was the Prime Minister
and the whole city would come to a stand still. I dont think
what ever he does is that important that the whole city has
to suffer. Please do your inaguarations between 10pm and 6am
and deliver your rhetorics on media and they will
ensure it reaches the masses. Else bloody well
fix the infrastructure. I know I am asking for too much
but HOPE is a good thing.

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