Friday, August 25, 2006


On the dinner table one of my friends raised what appeared a simple enough question.
Pragmatism or optimism or Pessimism?

I think it was Churchill who said there is no other way to live other than being an optimist. I am going to start off of ruling out pessimism. It does not seem to make sense to me.

Between being a pragmatic or a optimist.
I guess it depends on the circumstances and individual to a certain extent. Will I clock sub 10 sec in 100mt sprint. Ofcourse no (unless I get the same trainer as Gatlin). But will I end up being a billionaire someday. Ofcourse yes.

I also think success and failure has to become personal or as the gyan givers would like to say "internalise". That is when you will care to succeed and hate to fail.

1 comment:

dr soumya rao p said...

The Optimist, The Pessimist, and The Realist
This is the story about three guys, named, Optimist, Pessimist and Realist. They were all on a ship out at sea when there was a small explosion on the ship and it started to go up in flames. Each man's response to the situation was totally different, born from his particular viewpoint.

The optimist was just certain that all would work out just fine and simply went about his business.

The pessimist was certain the ship was sinking instantly beneath his feet and yelled, "Abandon ship," as he dove overboard into the icy sea.

The Realist assessed the situation, put on a life jacket and grabbed two more, one for each of his friends and hurried to the nearest lifeboat calling for his friends, Optimist and Pessimist to come jump into the lifeboat before it was lowered into the water.

Realist hopped in, just before it was lowered and scanned the ship deck where he saw Optimist surrounded by fire and frantically slapping at the flames with his jacket. When the lifeboat touched the water, Realist saw the body of his friend, Pessimist floating lifeless, dead from the impact with the icy sea.

Whether you come from the viewpoint of the pessimist or the optimist, in order to survive and prosper in the world, you need to harness the ability to learn the skills of a realist. The realist is a neutral viewpoint, neither pessimistic nor optimistic; a viewpoint that is concerned with the most effective response to any given situation as determined by the details of that situation.

V.P. Mosser
